Protein kinases assayed at 50 uM ATP were: Eph A2, ERK2, JNK3, p38 MAPK, RSK1, RSK2, PKBB, PKD1, MNK1, MNK2, AMPK, CaMK1,

PKA was assayed against the substrate peptide LRRASLG, PKC and GAK towards the protein histone H1, PHK from the substrate peptide KRKQISVRGL, NEK2a towards the peptide RFRRSRRMI, NEK6 and NEK7 in opposition to the peptide FLAKSFGSPNRAYKK, ROCK and PRK2 towards a peptide corresponding to the Cterminal location of ribosomal protein S6. Aurora B and Aurora C had been equally assayed custom peptide price from the substrate peptide HIPK3, MST 2, IKK and IKK from MBP, RIP2 from MBP, IKKB against the peptide LDDRHDSGLDSMKDEEY, and JNK2 and JNK3 towards ATF2. MARK3 was assayed in opposition to the peptide KKKVSRSGLYRSPSMPENLNRPR, RSK1, RSK2, MAPKAP K3 and PKD1 from KKLNRTLSVA, MNK1 and MNK2 from the eIF4E protein, EF2K assayed against the peptide RKKFGESKTKTKEFL and PIM1, PIM2 and PIM3 towards RSRHSSYPAGT.
PKBB was assayed towards the LY364947 peptide GRPRTSSFAEGKK, PLK1 from ISDELMDATFADQEAKKK, Src in opposition to KVEKIGEGTYGVVYK, CaMK 1 in opposition to YLRRRLSDSNF, smMLCK against KKRPQRATSNVFA and SRPK1 towards RSRSRSRSRSRSRSR. DYRK1A, DYRK2 and DYRK3 were the two assayed in opposition to Woodtide, while PAK4, 5 and 6 have been assayed in opposition to RRRLSFAEPG. CaMKK, CaMKKB and TBK1 had been assayed in opposition to BRSK2 in opposition to KKLNRTLSFAEPG and PKC? from ERMRPRKRQGSVRRV. The protein tyrosine kinases Sure, FGF R1 and Ephrin A2 had been assayed with poly. The substrates utilised for other protein kinases have been explained formerly. Until said otherwise, enzymes were diluted in a buffer consisting of fifty mM Tris/HCl, pH 7. 5, . 1 mM EGTA, 1 mg/ml BSA and . 1% 2 mercaptoethanol and assayed in a buffer comprising 50 mM Tris/HCl, pH 7. 5, .
1 mM EGTA and . 1% 2 mercaptoethanol. For CaMK1 and CaMKK isoforms, the assay mixtures also contained . 5 mM CaCland . 3 uM calmodulin. PKC was diluted into twenty mM Hepes /. 03 Triton X a hundred and assayed in the identical buffer that contains . 1 mg/ ml phosphatidylserine, ten ug/ml diacylglycerol and . 1 mM CaCl. PHK was diluted in fifty mM sodium B glycerophosphate /. 1%2 mercaptoethanol VEGF and assayed in a buffer comprising 50 mM Tris/HCl, 50 mM sodium B glycerophosphate, pH 8. 2, and . 04 mM CaCl. EF2K was diluted into fifty mM Hepes /. 1% 2 mercaptoethanol/1. mg/mlBSAand assayed in the same buffer containing . 2 mM CaCland . 3uM calmodulin. smMLCK was diluted in fifty mM Hepes /. 1 mM EGTA/1. mg/ml BSA/. 1% 2 mercaptoethanol and assayed in the exact same buffer that contains 5 mM CaCland 10 uM calmodulin.
PKA was kinase inhibitor library for screening diluted in twenty mM Mops /1 mM EGTA/. 01% Brij 35/1.
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