Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The History Behind The Doxorubicin Decitabine Success

Decitabine e clinic. In the case of p53,this could theoretically be accomplished by blocking a kinasesignaling cascade prevalent toboth Mdm2 and Mdmx. However, a thorough understanding on the signaling eventsimpacted by a drug is required to ensure that beneficial kinase signaling is not blocked. Abalanced approach of targeting Decitabine kinases recognized to negatively regulate p53 activity whilemaintaining those that activate p53 presents a logical implies of target selection.Drug development, specifically early on in the development cycle, demands a bettermechanistic understanding and predictive capacity to mitigate the possibility of drugresistance. Also, additional predictive tumor models are essential since a few of the animalmodels usually are not fully and faithfully recapitulated in human tumors.
Finally, a moresophisticated modeling of inhibitors in various tumors with Doxorubicin related tumormicroenvironment constraints would be useful to elucidate the function of a particular kinaseinhibitor in the context on the vastly interconnected signaling circuits present in cells.The effect of AT7519, was determined in MM cell lines sensitiveand resistantto conventional therapy, also aspatient derived MM cells by MTT assays. Cells had been cultured in the presence of increasingdoses of AT7519for 24, 48 and 72 h. AT7519 resulted in dosedependentcytotoxicity with IC50s ranging from 0.5 to 2M at 48 hours, with the most sensitive celllines MM.1Sand U266and essentially the most resistant MM1Rand inpatient derived MM cells. Exposure of MM cells to AT7519 for 72 hours did notshow extra cytotoxicity, suggesting maximum effect at 48 hours.
Importantly, AT7519 did not induce cytotoxicity in PBMNC PARP from five healthful volunteers. Given that BM microenvironment confers growth and survival in MM cells, we next evaluated the effect of AT7519 on MM cells cultured inthe presence of BMSCs. AT7519 resulted in a partial inhibition of DNA synthesis of MMcells adherent to BMSCs at 48 h in a dosedependent manner. Both IL6 and IGF1 areknown to inhibit apoptosisand stimulate growthof MM cells. AT7519 partially inhibited the growth conferred by IL6 and IGF1 at 48 h. For that reason, AT7519 overcomes the proliferative advantage conferred by cytokinesand the protective effect of BMSC.AT7519 induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis of MM cells in a timeand dosedependentmannerMM cell cytotoxicity because of AT7519 was characterized by cellcycle analysis on MM.
1Scells cultured with media alone and AT7519for 6, 12 and 24 h. AT7519 treatedMM.1S cells showed an increase of cells in G0G1 and G2M phase as early as 6 hours.AT7519 elevated the proportion of cells in subG1 phase starting from 12 h indicating Doxorubicin thatthe compound induced cell death. To confirm AT7519 induced apoptosis, PI andAnnexin V staining demonstrated apoptosis starting from 12 h onwards with maximal effectat 48 h. This time frame was consistent with observed caspase9,3 and8cleavage.AT7519 inhibits phosphorylation of RNA polymerase II CTD and partially inhibits RNAsynthesis in MM.1S cellsMM.1S cells had been cultured for 12, 1, 2, 4 and 6 h with media alone and AT7519.The effect of AT7519 on the expression of CDKs and cyclins was determined.
Although levels on the relevant CDKs and cyclins had been unaffected by AT7519 treatment atearly time points, cyclin D1, cyclin A and Decitabine cyclin B1 had been downregulated by AT7519treatment within 2 hours. We investigated the phosphorylation state of substrates particular toindividual CDKsand observed that dephosphorylation of these proteins was noted 6 h afterexposure to AT7519. Because AT7519 inhibits CDKsresponsible for transcriptional regulation, we next investigated its effect on phosphorylationstatus of RNA pol II CTD at both the serine 2 and serine 5 websites. AT7519 induced rapiddephosphorylation at both websites within 1 hour, without substantial variations in total proteinexpression. AT7519 induced dephosphorylation of RNA pol II CTD at serine 2and serine 5 in dexresistant MM.1R and melphalanresistant LR5 MM cells immediately after 3 hours oftreatment in a dose dependent manner.
AT7519 induced dephosphorylationof RNA pol Doxorubicin II CTD at serine 2 and serine 5 suggests that cytotoxicity correlates with theinhibition of transcription. According to the hypothesis that transcriptional repression affectsproteins with rapid turnover, we investigated the effect of AT7519 on Mcl1 and XIAP.AT7519 treated cells showed decreased expression levels of Mcl1 and XIAP within 4 has is consistent with other CDK inhibitors in the context of MM. Total RNA synthesis byuridine incorporation wasmeasured immediately after exposure to AT7519. Immediately after 48 hours, RNA synthesis levels in AT7519treated MM.1S cells was roughly 50% of manage values, confirming that themechanism of action of AT7519 induced cytotoxicity of MM cells was by way of inhibition oftranscription. Because the effect was only in part because of transcriptional repression,our results also suggest that other mechanisms contribute to AT7519 induced apoptosis inMM.AT7519induced cytotoxicity is related with GSK3activation independent oftra

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