Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rumoured Ballyhoo Around AG-1478 ALK Inhibitor

Therefore, below specified situations, the signal from 1 receptor tyrosine kinase might be replaced using the signal from a different receptor, or the signals from two receptor kinases might act in concert and potentiate each other. Here, we present data indicating that c Met signaling promotes growth stimulatory signaling from IL 6.

Conversely, IL 6 is additionally needed to obtain full impact of HGF in cell migration by rising expression of HGFs receptor AG-1478 c Met. The results suggest that targeting c Met signaling may attenuate cell proliferation induced by other growth factors such as IL 6, and may therefore represent a novel approach to cancer treatment also in cancers that at rst sight seem independent of c Met signaling. Recombinant human IL 6 was from R&D Systems. HGF was puried from the human myeloma cell line JJN 3 as described previously or purchased from PeproTech EC Ltd. The c Met tyrosine kinase inhibitor PHA 665752 was a kind gift from J. G. Christensen. The Shp2 inhibitor NSC 87877 and the MEK1 2 inhibitors PD98059 and U126 were from Merck Chemicals Ltd.

Cell lines were grown in RPMI 1640 with 10% fetal calf serum or human serum, 2 mmol L l glutamine, and 40 lg mL gentamicin and 1 ng mL IL 6. CD138 positive cells were puried from left over material from bone marrow aspirates taken for diagnostic VEGF purposes by immunomagnetic separation. Myeloma cells were puried using Macs MicroBeads. The use of bone marrow aspirates for this purpose was approved by the regional ethics committee and by informed consent from the patients. Cells were washed four times in Hanks balanced salt solution , seeded in 96 well plastic culture plates at 1?10 104 cells well in 200 lL of 0. 1% bovine serum albumin or 1% FCS in RPMI 1640 with 2 mmol L l glutamine, and 40 lg mL gentamicin. After 48 h 1 lCi of methyl thymidine was added per well and cells were harvested either 6 or 18 h later with a Micromate 96 well harvester.

Thereafter, immunoblotting was performed as previously described. Cells were washed four times in HBSS and seeded at a concentration of 250 000 mL in serum free media. After overnight incubation with cytokines, cells were labeled with 0. 25 lg FITC conjugated anti c Met antibody or 0. 25 lg FITC conjugated isotype control antibody.

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