Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Unanswered Questions Around AG-1478 ALK Inhibitor Shared

the AG-1478 microemulsion is dispersed in cold water with mild agitation, in which the microemulsion breaks into ultrane nanoemulsion droplets which instantly crystallize to form SLNs. Robust dilution in the particle suspension as a result of usage of substantial volume of water may be the major concern of this procedure. Therefore, the excess water must get rid of either by ultraltration or by lyophilization to get a concentrated dispersion. An additional disadvantage of this technique may be the necessity of high concentrations of surfactants and cosurfactants, that is not desirable. Industrial scale production of lipid nanoparticles by the microemulsion procedure is feasible. While in the substantial scale production, a substantial temperaturecontrolled tank is used to prepare the microemulsion. Subsequently, the microemulsion is pumped into a cold water tank for your precipitation stage.

The temperature in the microemulsion and water, temperature ow while in the aqueous medium, and hydrodynamics of mixing AG-1478 are the critical process parameters in the large scale production. In this technique, rst the lipid is/are dissolved in a water immiscible organic solvent and then emulsied in an aqueous phase containing surfactants under continuous stirring. The organic solvent evaporates during emulsication, which results in lipid precipitation. As the whole formulation procedure can be conducted in room temperature, this technique is highly suitable for thermo labile drugs. However, the major concern is the production of very dilute dispersion that needs to be concentrated by means of ultra ltration or evaporation.

Another concern is the use of organic solvent, some of which may remain in the nal preparation. In contrary to solvent emulsication?evaporation technique, partially ALK Inhibitor water miscible organic solvents are used in solvent diffusion technique. In this case, organic solvents are mutually saturated with water to ensure initial thermodynamic equilibrium of both liquids. The transient oil in water emulsion is passed into water under continuous stirring, which leads to solidication of dispersed phase forming lipid nanoparticles due to diffusion of the organic solvent. However, similar to microemulsion technique, dilute nanoparticle dispersion is produced, which needs to be concentrated by ultra ltration or lyophilization. Usage of organic solvent is also a concern as some of it may remain in the nal preparation.

The basic principle of the solvent injection method is similar to the solvent diffusion method. In case of solvent injection method, lipids VEGF are dissolved in a water miscible solvent or water miscible solvent mixture and quickly injected into an aqueous solution of surfactants through an injection needle. The advantages of this method are the easy handling and fast production process without technically sophisticated equipment. However, the main disadvantage is the use of organic solvents. The double emulsion method is based on solvent emulsication?evaporation method. This method is mainly for the production of lipid nanoparticles loaded with hydrophilic drugs. In this case, the drug and stabilizer are encapsulated in the inner aqueous phase of the w/o/w double emulsion.

A stabilizer is necessary to prevent drug partitioning to the outer aqueous phase ALK Inhibitor during solvent evaporation. This type of formulations is usually named as lipospheres due to their comparatively larger particle size than SLNs. Characterization of the lipid nanoparticles is critical due to complexity of the system and colloidal size of the particles. Nevertheless, proper characterization of the formulations is necessary to control the product quality, stability, and release kinetics. Hence, accurate and sensitive characterization methods should be used. There are several important characterization techniques as follows. Particle size plays a crucial role in the gastrointestinal uptake and their clearance by the reticuloendothelial system. Hence, the precise determination of the particle size is very important.

Particle size less than 300 nm are advisable for the intestinal transport. Photon correlation AG-1478 spectroscopy and laser diffraction are the most powerful and widely used techniques for the particle size measurement of lipid nanoparticles. PCS is also known as dynamic light scattering. The uctuation of the intensity of the scattered light, caused by particles movement, is measured by this technique. PCS is relatively accurate and sensitive method. However, only size range from few nanometers to about 3 u can be measured by PCS. This size range is enough to characterize lipid nanoparticles. On the other hand, LD can measure bigger particle sizes. LD covers a broad size range from the nanometer to the lower millimeter range. This method is based on the dependence of the diffraction angle on the particle radius.

Smaller particles lead to more intense scattering at high angles than the larger particles. ALK Inhibitor However, it is always recommended to use both PCS and LD method simultaneously as both methods do not directly measure particle sizes, rather particle sizes are calculated from their light scattering effects. This is because particles are non spherical in many instances.

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